It will show you the basics of dialing in espresso
The Average Joe’s Home Barista Cheat Sheet
● Fresh Coffee: Roasted < 40 days ago.
● Freshly Ground Coffee: Avoid pre-ground coffee like your life depends on it.
● Scales: Kitchen scales will do but coffee scales with a timer and 0.1g accuracy are better..
● Timer: Use your phone or coffee scales.
● Double Shot Basket: 18g-22g depending on your machine.
Step 1 - Prepare Your Machine:
● Turn On Machine: Let it reach temperature.
● Heat Portafilter: Run hot water through the portafilter to heat it.
Step 2 - Understand the Recipe:
Espresso operates on a 1:2 brew ratio. 1 part coffee : 2 parts water.
● Dose: 18g of ground coffee into the basket.
● Yield: 36g of espresso out into the cup.
● Time: Aim for 25-30 seconds. Adjust the grind size to hit this window.
Step 3 - The Process:
3.1: Dose
● Dry Portafilter: Remove and dry with a cloth. Place on scales and tare.
● Weigh Coffee: Grind 18g into the basket and tamp (wdt tool and level tamper encouraged)
● Insert Portafilter: Place it back into the group head.
3.2: Yield
● Prepare Scales: Place them on the drip tray.
● Weigh Cup: Place the cup on the scales and tare to zero.
3.3: Time
● Run Shot: Start timing as the shot begins.
● Stop Shot: At 33g, stop the shot and let it drip to 36g.
Step 4 - Evaluate Your Shot:
● 25-30 Seconds: Perfect shot! No adjustment needed.
● 30-35 Seconds: Close, slightly fine; adjust grinder one notch coarser.
● 20-25 Seconds: Close, slightly coarse; adjust grinder one notch finer.
● 35-40 Seconds: Definitely fine; adjust a couple of notches coarser.
● 15-20 seconds; Definitely coarse; adjust a couple of notches finer.
● Other Times: Significant adjustments needed; follow the rule above.
Lastly remember - this is not easy the first time you do it. It takes practice. You will get it. Hang in there. It's worth it. You’re worth it.
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