COFFEE HACK: Fix Your Over and Under Extracted Espresso Using APAX LAB Water Mineral Concentrates!!!

Howdy, Joes!

Cal, the Average Joes Coffee Director, here and I’m back with another hack (rhyme intended)!

Introducing the latest, and most interesting, game changer to the coffee industry… APAX LAB. Created from the brainpower of water chemist enthusiast and specialty coffee extraordinaire, Simon Gautherin, are 3 different highly potent, water mineral concentrates of the utmost purity, designed to help improve the flavour in your coffee…

Wow, that was a mouthful. Yes yes, I’m hearing the question again, “Cal, seriously what are you on about?! Minerals in coffee to make the flavour better? Doesn’t it just taste like coffee?!”.

I’m not going to get too deep into it here, because this blog is about a specific way to use these concentrates to improve your coffee… BUT long story short; espresso is 90% water! So, using high quality, pure and clean water is very important. Where these concentrates come in is to CREATE our own water to give us complete control of the extraction, as it is near impossible to know what is in our every day tap / filtered water. A great way to use these concentrates is to:

Use demineralised water as your base starting point.
Add the minerals you want for the desired flavour outcome that tickles your fancy.
Choose your coffee and get brewing.

As easy as 1, 2, 3 !

The best explanation has to be how Simon himself puts it. Think of it like seasoning food with salt, pepper, sugar and other herbs and spices. One uses these to enhance the flavour of the food or balance the overall experience. These minerals do the same thing for your coffee.

Let’s get into each concentrates purpose!


Each bottle does what it says on the tin. Using tonik will make your coffee taste more vibrant, bright and juicy.


DAMM, this is our favourite here at Average Joes. Perfect for intensifying sweetness and making any coffee more rich and creamy.


The dark horse of the trio. In testing at Average Joes, we’ve found this is perfect for intensifying and improving the aftertaste of a coffee. Definitely creates a silky mouthfeel.

Alrighty, I reckon we’ve all earned a minute to digest all of this info. It’s a completely new way of looking at things in relation to dialling in coffee, but I truly believe this is the way forward. Taking control of 90+% of the two ingredients used to brew coffee (water + coffee), we give ourselves more control in consistency and creating amazing flavour than ever before.

Now (rubs hands together and rolls sleeves up) this is where the fun begins.


These minerals are perfect for creating the water to begin brewing with BUT they can also be used to FIX already brewed coffee.

One of the most frustrating things is having to remake a coffee because the grind setting was wrong and the shot spluttered out in 15 seconds and the watery sourness just isn’t worth it. Or worse, the grind setting was way too fine and it dripped out in over a minute and harsh, dirty and bitter tasting coffee is the last slap in the face we need.

The waste of having the throw the coffee out, the extra time taken when we just neeeeeed a coffee. What if I told you CAN drink that minute long shot by just dropping in 3-6 drops of TONIK APAX LAB minerals?

We ran some tests by doing exactly that and boy oh boy, you’ll never have to throw a shot out again!!



Coffee too coarse:

If you pull a shot that runs faster than 25 seconds and tastes sour, watery, weak.


Add 3 drops of JAMM to espresso
Add 6 drops of JAMM to milk coffee

This will add the rich body, creamy texture and bring back sweetness, just like how Simon Says! (reference to classic game intended)


Coffee too fine:

If your coffee is dripping really slowly and takes over 30 seconds to complete the shot.


Add 3 drops of TONIK to espresso
Add 6 drops of TONIK or and 3 drops of TONIK and 3 drops of LYLAC to milk coffee

This will negate the intense bitterness, dirty and rancid flavours and bring the coffee back to balance the LYLAC will clean up the aftertaste and remove and lingering sadness.

The beauty of applying these minerals like seasoning to your coffee is that now you don’t need to throw away a coffee if it doesn’t extract correctly. We can fix the coffee right then and there and then adjust the grinder for the next time we make a coffee.

We back it, do you? Let us know on our socials or tag is if you give it a go!

APAX LAB is available via and ships worldwide.

Haaaaapppy brewing!